Monday, August 22, 2011

Things that you are more likely to do...

Dear Readers,
So I was having a good friend of mine (and fellow blogger ) over about a week ago. We were making pancakes and having a blast over nothing particularly interesting. And  then she mentioned something about me being more likely to spend my time making pancakes than graduate from college- which, of course, is WRONG ( you see, she was only joking, or at least i hope she was).
But then it got me thinking.
So I compiled a list of things that the average person (namely, YOU, dear reader, is more likely to do in his/her life). It ranges from the completely obvious to the completely ridiculous....
And you know something particularly strange that connects each one of them?
They are all completely TRUE...

  1. You are more likely to do your laundry than walk around naked.
  2. You are more likely to watch your television than eat it.
  3. You are more likely  to get an A than get a Z in your paperwork. (gee...i wonder why)
  4. You are more likely to brush your teeth than become fluent in 17 languages.
  5. you are more likely to keep a pet than have a pet keep YOU.
  6. You are more likely to live a happy life than die from a broken fingernail.
  7. You are more likely to  laugh at something than 'laugh at nothing' (goddamn it!).
  8. You are more likely to be 'you' than anyone else.
  9. You are more likely to 'learn to laugh at yourself' than 'learn to stop making the same dumb-choices'
  10. You are more likely to feel bad when you lose a finger than feel good about it.
  11. You are more likely to  finish first in a one- man marathon than finish 13th.
  12. You are more likely to have a perfect attendance on earth while you're alive than have a perfect attendance at school/work.
  13. You are more likely to eat than be eaten.
  14. You are more likely to have a conversation with a stranger than have a baboon for breakfast.
  15. You are more likely to have said baboon for breakfast than elope with said baboon.
  16. You are more likely to have a friend than have a hedgehog.
  17. You are more likely to suck at 'not existing' than excel at you job.
  18. You are more likely to eat a sandwich than excel at your job.
  19. You are more likely to fall asleep than excel at your job.
  20. You are more likely to feel bad about missing your beloved sibling's wedding than feel good about it.
  21. You are more likely to feel good about defeating the Dark Lord, Evilonie, from taking over Kansas with your magic wand of wonder than feel bad about it.
  22. You are more likely to be secretly pleased with the unexpected 'tragedy' of the mass-destruction of all things 'Telemarketing' than feel terrible about it.
  23. You are more likely to 'try something new' and regret it.
  24. You are more likely to  keep information on the whereabouts of  recently-missing 'Barnie, the dinosaur', than tell any one about it.
  25. You are more likely to fall in love with a guy because of his career than fall in love with him because of the colour of his earwax.
  26. You are more likely to save the world than save a Sasquatch.
  27. You are more likely to have a good hair day than find 'The One'.
  28. You are more likely to die happily than die a Viking.
  29. You are more likely to die terribly than die a Viking.
  30. You are more likely to be good with kids than be good with maniacs (good job, mothers!).
  31. You are more likely to be 'The Worlds Richest Tycoon' than be 'The World's Richest Hermit Crab'.
  32. You are more likely to spend your lifetime following this blog than actually doing something productive.
  33. You are more likely to know somebody than to excel at your job.
Well hear it is- the good, the bad, and the unnerving. I hope this makes you truly reconsider what you actually do with each day in your life.
Actually, not really- i just hope i was able to entertain you for a few minutes.
So to end this post, I say:
'Many wise words are spoken in jest, but they don’t compare with the number of stupid words spoken in earnest.'
- Sam Levenson.

And I am  always,

(P.S. No.32 wasn't that ridiculous, was it? ) ;)