Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How do you explain
The effect a piece of music can have on you? The power in the notes that are played?
How is it possible that a group of musical notes can come together and touch your soul so profoundly that for a moment you can just barely breathe.
That the notes have arrested you, you cannot speak.
The emotion it fills you with can be so strong, and so amazing.

There are just some compositions I hear that stop me; they strike me so. When I hear them, I hear a story, I feel the emotions, and the character's come to life- character's i have never known. But at that moment, I am one with them- I am them- as they lend me a part of their soul.

It's so hard to explain, and probably even more difficult for you to understand me, but that is just how I feel.
It's beautiful. So beautiful.


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